Stay Healthy While Eating Socially

erik ledin socialWhen you are invited to a party, it may be tempting to overeat. Usually at social gatherings there is lots of food that is salty, sweet, fatty and indulgent. The nature of hosting social outings, whether in a home, office, or banquet hall is to provide decadent fair that will impress those invited.

However, it is important to remember that you have been invited to the event to be social with the people in attendance, not glued to your plate for the evening. There are some ways you can avoid over eating or eating the wrong foods at social gatherings that include not so healthy snacks and meals.

First, you could try to plan the social gathering around an event or activity that does not include food. This may be going to a mini-golfing course, watching a movie, or going bowling with friends. You could also try just going out for coffee, which doesn’t have calories if you drink it black. If you go to an event like an outdoor picnic, BBQ, or potluck try bringing something to share that is healthy so that you don’t feel bad about eating it at the event. That way you can be sure you have a healthy option available if everything else is just chips.

A great alternative for these types of events is to bring along a veggie tray. If you are eating dinner a close friend’s house or even a family members try bringing your own food that adheres to your dietary restrictions and portion ratio. This way you can still eat with everyone else, but you’ll have your own alternative that you’ve prepared. If you are going out to a restaurant try eating before you get there and then order a salad without dressing, or minimal, if you must, while you’re out at the restaurant.